Timber Resin Splice Roman Villa


Roman Villa, Bury
Main Contractor: Mariners
Project Value: £3,900 Timber Resin Repairs

The building which was constructed to protect important Roman Ruins, had suffered from water damage through the roof. One area had suffered more than others this was the valley in between two pitched roofs.

The main contractor was employed to carry out the re-roofing works; whilst works were underway they noticed large amounts of decay in some of the roof timbers. The timber carrier beam running through the valley of this ancient timber roof was decayed. To repair it would mean removing the whole of the roof which would have been very expensive and destructive.

,The Building contractor and the engineer employed Maclennan Structural Solutions to effect timber resin splice repairs that would be less destructive while maintaining the strength and stability of the existing roof stucture.

  • Timber Resin Splice Roman Villa 1
  • Timber Resin Splice Roman Villa 3
  • Roman Villa Timber Resin Splice Repair

timber resin splice repair roman villa


Maclennan Structural engineers cut a chase through the centre of the timbers and then installed re bars into ROTAFIX structural grouts. This method increased the structural load and structural strength of the timber so that it was much stronger than before making the repair much more affordable to the client.

Structural calculations of the resin and bars, where provided to the engineer so that the required loading could be carried out accurately . One section of timber was so rotted in the centre that it had to be cut out altogether and a new TRS (Timber Resin Splice) installed. The TRS was installed by Maclennan Building Preservation engineers using ROTAFIX Epoxy resins, because the tie beam had been damaged in the centre section a double ended repair was required.


Timber Resin Splices are used when a timber joist or beam end has become decayed and can no longer carry the load required.
They are simple to install by our experienced technicians and are less destructive than the alternative which is a full replacement. The decayed timber is propped then the decayed end is then removed, slots are then formed and the timber splice is then positioned. The area is then sealed and resin is either poured or injected into the slots.
All work was carried out to time and within the agreed budget.

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